Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Yet Another 5 Things You Didn’t Know About Parsi Surnames

I’m back with a Bangkokwala. Oops, that’s a Bohri surname.

1. Join Parsi Sena

Join Parsi Sena
Lancer Publishers
Sepoy, Subedar, Major, Captain, General. Army ranks and…you got it right…Parsi surnames.

2. What men!

What men!
ROZZcity / Via Youtube
In addition to Frenchman (see 5 Things You Didn’t Know About Parsi Surnames), we also have Messman, Chargeman and Coachman.


Via Google Images
D*** is a Parsi surname!

4. Master of all trades, jack of none

Master of all trades, jack of none
We have Master, Tarmaster, Paymaster, Cardmaster, but no Jack. Wait a minute, we do have Zack.

5. We go all the way back to the beginning of time

We go all the way back to the beginning of time
Michaelangelo / Via Wikipedia
And God created Adam. Bava-Adam.

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